This NEWS page will have the latest information and the Q & A  about ASCA GOLF 2022

Page updated 30.4.2022

First registrations have come! Great! Emirates come with at least one full gents and ladies team and IcelandAir have two full gents and one ladies team with two spouses. 

Ratsula houses (A) seem to be very popular, so if you want to overnight there please hurry up.

There has been a request about having the bus transportation from the airport to the tournament site already on Sunday, and as most of the teams will arrive on Sunday we will change the transportation for that day. As I already mentioned in my previous group post there will be some additional cost due to rise in transportation costs (Sunday hours, rise in petrol price) but we are not talking about large sums. I am still waiting for the new bus prices, so the final invoices will take some time after the registration.

The winter and spring have been harsh to our golf courses, there are very few that have been able to open. But fortunately September is still 4 months away.

Page updated 14.07.2021

As I already informed the ones who had registered for ASCA golf 2021 we have to cancel it again. The Covid situation here has become somewhat worse due to Euro 2020 (still not alarming), and our government is planning to set more restrictions by the end of this month. The life here is almost normal (masks recommended in shops etc.) but as the new wave came from football tourism, they want to restrict the border traffic. 

There is a saying in finnish " the third time will tell you the truth": we try once more. The dates for ASCA golf 2022 have just been confirmed. The event will take place 5.-8.9.2022. Program will be more or less the same, prices might be just a little higher but we will come to that later when this golf season is over. 

So you can start planning your vacation and gather your team. We do hope to see you all here next year in September.

Stay safe

Still 2 weeks for dead-line. Teams registered so far Iberia (6+4 avecs) and  Iceland Air (16 + 2 avecs). So hurry up.

ASCA 2021 registering open till 27.6.2021!

We are keeping the registration open as long as possible. The dead-line is 27.6. We hope you have noticed the Covid-clausule: if entry to Finland is too complicated due to Covid-restrictions or there are no reasonable flight connections in September, you will get your money back. But still you have to register and pay by the dead-line.

So far Iberia has registered men's team, and they have also avecs. And of course we have our own teams.

ASCA 2020 golf postponed till 2021

Unfortunately after few days consideration based on the situation here in Finland we have decided to postpone ASCA 2020 golf event to next year; the dates will most likely be 6.-9.9.2021 other details (site, package, price, etc.) remaining more or less the same. 

The Covid-19 situation has fortunately eased in most countries but there are still lots of open matters: how will the borders open, will there be a second wave, how will the flight connections be in September, is quaranteen still needed, how is the economical situation, are there limitations to gatherings (here at the moment max 50 persons till 31.7.), just to mention a few. So we thought it is better to cancel now than wait till last minute so that everyone can make other plans, and Linna Golf and Vanajanlinna can sell the slots reserved for our group to others.

We will put this information on our home pages ASCA 2020/News as well as in FB Asca golf Unofficial. And of course give new information when the tournament next year is a little bit closer.

We hope to see you all in Vanajanlinna, Finland next year 6.-9.9.2021!

Stay safe

Teams by 16.04.

IcelandAir men 6+6, ladies 4+4, avec 5
Finnair men 6+6, ladies 4+4

SAS/Sweden men 6, ladies 4

